Detention Solidarity is an online space to critically engage with the structures and experiences of detention that constitute the carceral state in India read our manifesto
Making of a criminal, one register at a time | Shivangi Narayan In September 2020, a court in Delhi granted bail to a man named Neeraj who had been detained by the […]
Inter-State Arrests: A Daunting Threat to Personal Liberty | Rahul Machaiah On 13 February, 2021 the Delhi Police arrested 21 year old Disha Ravi who was booked for sedition and other […]
जेल जीवन का एक रंग यह भी | विश्वविजय फरवरी का महीना था। कड़ाके की ठण्ड धीरे -धीरे विदा हो रही थी। सूरज का तेज कोहरे के कोप पर […]